Thursday, November 12, 2009

A Synopsis of Bricabrac

Cause it has been long enough and a lot has accumulated. Bricabrac in my head hop, skips and jumps around...Here are some bullet points. Apologies foremost for not taking each on it's own and giving it the proper tearing-into. In time...

-The daily drive runs on four things: Sex, Money, Power and Beauty. The primitive is simple and, in it's extreme, grotesque. How we feel about each one of these issues propels us in our everyday live's. How much ego we put into it, how much fear drives us..leads to a dis-satisfying result in the long run. Religion and prayer do serve us to be our best in daily life.

-Our body stays healthy by constantly seeking homeostasis, which is simply a balance. On a chemical level, it is equal acidity and alkalinity. Lets say fear, anger, stress, and ego mean an acid environment; while joy, happiness and love make an alkaline one. This is a short-way example into how our own thoughts generate dis-ease in the body.
"Thoughts are things; choose the good one's"
Its all about perspective. -my own
You might hate to read this, but sugar produces acid and vegetables produce alkaline.

-Prior point leads me to this hot-topic: Feminism has in some ways done me a dis-service. It has produced more anger. It has caused more imbalance in the sexes, more discordant marriages. Im not arguing for woman to stay at home and breed families only. But Im arguing against the unnecessary angst and anxiousnesss to "have it all, do it all, be it all" that seems more pervasive. Again, back to the balance. Furthermore, I will point out the direct correlation in high levels of breast cancer rates coinciding with the feminist movement of the late 60's. Anger=acid=dis-ease in the body.
I DO NOT subscribe to ANY female magazine. If you are a mother, I would recommend you didnt let your daughter read them. There are an abundant list of reasons why I wont get into at the moment, but a big one: try and find one that doesnt advertise something having to do with breast cancer every 20 pages or so. An advert, a group, a cure, a race, a run, a charity, a cause...
Again, Thoughts become Things...what do you want to be bombarded with? Where do you want your focus to lie?

-I once wrote a paper on the difference between stupidity and ignorance. It was really long, here's a summation:
Ignorance is when you make a choice based only on the information you have, and you end up with a negative result. A blue man in a blue house eats only blue food. A yellow man knocks on his door and says 'try my yellow food'. Blue man immediately assumes the yellow food is bad because he has never tried it. Yellow food could be the best tasting and healthiest ever! Blue man was closed-minded and missed out. Little does he know the blue food is slowly killing him. Ignorance has a lot to do with cultural conditioning. And why it is hard to place blame on some results that have been perpetuated by those whom knew no better than what they've been taught.
Stupidity is when you are aware of the two choices and you know which leads to the positive result, yet you willingly (and deliberately often) choose the least constructive one.
Running a red light, cheating on a spouse, or making fast assumptions about things before fully investigating them, when the resources are there to do so (I do this; it weighs on me;)
We are in the best, most prime and source-able info-age, YET, we all act stupidly everyday. Sometimes it's based in psychology and survival instinct, first impressions. But if you arent in a 'fight or flight' scenario, it isnt an excuse.
Which also means its easy to be willfully stupid, and thats a whole other post. I do not have patience for you, nor do I generally carry on lengthy conversations with you, and I hope you dont drive in front of me either...just saying;)

-On this point of conditioning and the earlier point of necessary religion: If I were born in India, Id be Hindu. If I were born in China, Id be Buddhist. I was born in the south of the USA, so obviously I was exposed to Baptist and Methodist. At some point, I branched from the cultural conditioning and willingly looked at other religions of the world. From an educated place, it is logical to not practice anything that advocates crime, violence or evil. Otherwise, the parallelisms run too deep. The ability to pray to a higher power is what sets us apart from all else of the animal kingdom.
I will just conclude with trying to be in the 'balance' and live from love verses fear/anger.
If we have nothing else but this, sometimes it is enough.

Leave a comment on anything or email me if you want.

These are thoughts I sleep and wake on.

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